Meet the Secretariat
We welcome you to DAISMUN 2024-2025!
Secretary General
Zuri Qu
Hello, I am Zuri Qu, a senior, and I am honored to serve as the Secretary-General of DAISMUN during the 2024-2025 school year. From delegate to chair to Secretariat member to Secretariat leader, the past four years of my MUN journey has always been an enriching experience as I navigate the various topics of multiple aspects of the world. Through the diplomatic and engaging discussions between participants, I have been exposed to diverse perspectives that enhance my understanding of global issues and the world in general. MUN is a platform to exchange ideas where delegates tackle the most imperative problems arisen. Moving into my fifth year of MUN, I am confident in my commitment to build inclusive and collaborative channels of discussions between participants, whether it is dealing with the latest global issues at hand or revisiting historical conflicts that have yet to be resolved. Through freedom of expression, we fully embrace our society and our world!
Deputy Secretary General
Rebecca Lyu
Hey y’all! My name is Rebecca Lyu and it is my utmost honor to serve as your Deputy Secretary General for the 2024-2025 DAISMUN program. This will be my third year in the DAISMUN Secretariat team, fourth year in my MUN journey, and my last year in high school MUN, and I believe those experiences I’ve gained along the way would surely be valuable supplements to our program. The world we live in now is being increasingly exposed to all sorts of danger. We see conflicts arisen, accompanied by shadows of agonies and death; we see the wrongs of history reoccurring before our eyes. Here at DAISMUN, we strive to cultivate future change-makers. In our conferences, issues are not concealed but addressed, needs are being seen, and humanity being upheld. With these, I look forward to meeting you in upcoming DAISMUN conferences!
Executive Administrative Officer
Natalie He
Greetings! My name is Natalie He, and it is my greatest honor to serve as the Executive Administrative Officer in DAISMUN Secretariat Team. My MUN journey initiated in 9th grade, when I was a shy delegate who was afraid of making a speech on the podium. However, MUN has changed me profoundly, it granted me an opportunity to challenge myself in my thinking, speaking and collaborating abilities. And now, in my senior year, I hope to bring this fantastic experience to more students, guiding them to explore in broader MUN world and vision. Let’s make some memorable MUN experiences together!

Marketing Officer
Suah Lee
Hi, I am Suah, a senior about to graduate, and the 24-25 season will mark the closure of MUN journey in my high school. Now, let me be honest with you: recalling my past 3 years of experiences in MUN brings up a mix of emotions. We've all had those moments of staying up all night, desperately researching the latest country news and unfamiliar topics before the conference. We've felt the confusion of chairing for the first time and the disappointment of not receiving the awards we hoped for, despite our best efforts.
However, at the heart of what I call "MUN memories" are the moments of fearless enthusiasm, where I exchanged ideas and contributed to global dialogue with fellow MUN participants- which often, we knew each other's countries first than our real names. So, immerse yourself fully in the experience! Don't worry about messing up your opening speech or feeling unprepared. I assure you that as you embrace every moment and make the most of this incredible opportunity, you'll not only explore new perspectives, but also discover more about yourself. See you at conference.
Conference Service Officer
Julius Chen
Hello, I’m Julius Chen, a graduate of the 2026 school year, and I feel exhilarated to be serving as the Conference Service Officer of the 2024-25 DAISMUN Secretariat team. My first experience with MUN was the spring 2022, in which I developed a strong passion for the DAISMUN program. In the upcoming year I will be having 4 years of experience with MUN, and it is my greatest honor and pleasure to be continuing this journey with the program as a leader. To the new MUNers, I believe that this program will provide you a chance to broaden your perspective of the world around you and to enhance your knowledge and development of a diplomatic, but most importantly versatile person with sharp comprehension skills of others speeches and the ability to construct your own speech and narrative not just in MUN conferences but also the narrative of your own life and your journey abroad. I look forward to working with you in the 24-25 DAISMUN program.
Service Program Manager
Jongwoo Lee
Hello! My name is Jongwoo Lee, a junior, and it is my foremost honor to serve as the service program manager for the 2024–25 DAISMUN Secretariat team. MUN is an amazing program where students can enhance their critical thinking, public speaking, and formal writing skills. Through our DAISMUN, all students will have the opportunity to represent their country and engage in meaningful debates regarding global conflicts that arise. We guarantee that MUN will provide students with great experience and widen their perspectives on global issues. I look forward to meeting passionate delegates at the upcoming DAISMUN conferences!
Product Design Manager
Thomas Sebahi
Hello there! My name is Thomas Sebahi, a junior, and it is my furthermost honor to serve as the product design manager for the 2024-25 MUN secretariat team. This will actually be my 2nd year in my MUN journey. I believe that MUN is not just an educational activity, but rather it is a life changing experience that encourages many students to become global citizens. It goes beyond just fostering global awareness, it introduces a deep sense of responsibility for the world around us. Delegates are not simply participants, they are ambassadors representing their countries with passion and dedication to move towards a better future.